Dave N5UP

Dave N5UP
Dave monitoring progress during the server migration June 17, 2010

Dell R710 server

Dell R710 server
A technician at our data center adjusts a rack of Dell R710 servers

Sunday, July 18, 2010

System will be down 0400 to 0500 July 19 UTC

During the conversion to the new server farm, I failed to create one of the index files that is necessary for the Account Manager to work properly. Without this index, it takes about 30 minutes for the screen to load, which makes the program totally useless. With the index in place, it takes a few seconds.

Unfortunately, it will take about an hour to create this index file, during which time the entire system has to be taken out of service.

The Account Manager is the only tool that will allow you to split your account into multiple accounts, with different time periods or QTHes, and that will move the eQSLs around to the proper new account automatically.

We are going to bite the bullet and create the index tonight, July 18 at 11pm Central Time, which is 0400 UTC July 19. Hopefully it will take less than 1 hour, but we really have no idea how long the index creation will take on these new faster servers.

Dave N5UP

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New System is working great!

So far, the new system has been working fantastically well. With a maximum of 240 simultaneous browser connections, the application server has been running at a maximum of 10% CPU utilization. Meanwhile, the database servers is still serving over 99.5% of all database requests directly from memory instead of requiring a disk access.